Coming to Canada in 2022

Published Wednesday, April 27th, 2022

Important info regarding camp:

Cliff Lake Check-in is at NOON on Saturday. Check-out is at NOON on Friday of your week. 

Required Procedures for crossing into Canada:

  • Must be fully vaccinated – post 2 weeks your 2nd
    1. If your final dose is July 1st you can arrive in Canada as fully vaccinated July 15th.
    2. Approved vaccinations:
      1. Pfizer-BioNtech
      2. Moderna
      3. Johnson & Johnson
      4. AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD
  • Must use the ArriveCAN app
    1. Download app OR
    2. Use
    3. Create account – Every traveler must have one. (it may be possible to have all travelers on one account).
    4. Fill out pertinent info ahead of time.
    5. Include Vaccination Information
      1. Providing proof of your vaccination:
        1. the details of your first dose (date, country and vaccine you received)
        2. the details of your second dose if one was required (i.e., for Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca vaccines)
        3. a photo or PDF file of the record of each dose of your vaccination, such as receipts, cards, or confirmations:
        4. if you received two doses and they are both recorded on a single card or PDF, upload that same image or file for dose 1 and again for dose 2
        5. file formats accepted: PDF, PNG, JPEG or JPG
        6. maximum file size for upload: each image upload has a 2 MB size limit
        7. preferred file format: if you received a PDF file of your vaccination record, upload the PDF rather than an image, since the PDF is clearer and easier to read
        8. these must be in English, French, or a certified translation into English or French
        9. Bring your original proof of vaccination with you while you travel.
  • Passport
  • If you are required to enter a quarantine address use (note this is not a mailing address):

0 Hwy 105, Lost Bay Road

Perrault Falls, ON P0V2K0

Please check here for any updates: Travel to Canada: Requirements for COVID-19 vaccinated travellers